Today at work I got a phone call from my brother, Tim. The news: my mother found my dad unconscious on his bathroom floor. As I listened to him telling me that our sister called him as she was following the ambulance to the hospital, I felt as though my own heart had stopped beating.
Thankfully, Daddy began to come around as my mother frantically kept talking to him until the ambulance got there. By 1:00 this afternoon, he was stabilized, and extensive testing was well underway. The good news is that there is no sign of stroke or pneumonia. We haven't really been told anything about his heart yet, however. What they know so far is that he was severely dehydrated, electrolytes are all out of whack, potassium is very low, and his kidney function numbers were "not good". They've given him potassium, are pumping him with IV fluids, and he got to eat dinner this evening. They're doing other things but mama was so tired I didn't want to keep her on the phone when we talked. Daddy got on the phone for just a couple of minutes. He sounded utterly exhausted. It broke my heart......
My Dad has always been the strongest man I know--inside AND out. He knows what he wants, what he thinks and believes, and he isn't the least bit afraid to tell whoever happens to be within earshot. He is as strong-willed as any human being I've ever met....he can be pretty tough. But he also has a tender side that has mellowed in his senior years. Dad is also a master story-teller, and can be hysterically funny! I still love to hear him tell true stories of family, friends and acquaintances he's known through the years. He has quite a knack for entertaining!! This is the man who, at his 80th birthday party, shared some of his "material" and according to reports later, there were those who thought he was quite a comedy act! Only my dad.......
Mama told me that when she found him, his skin was completely white--pastey gray. My sister said his skin was as white as his hair. His eyes were open and, according to my mother, "set" in place and not moving at all. She thought for sure he was already gone. She fell apart, they tell me.....and oh, how I wish we weren't so far away from each other.
Tomorrow Dad's regular cardiologist will be in to talk with him. His name is "Dr. Payne"---seriously, it is...hahaha....but he knows his field, and he's been really good to my dad. I am anxious to see what he has to say. Could be that I'll fly down for a couple of days....kind of waiting to see what transpires.
Our family is very close, and we are believers in the power of prayer, and the God Who answers. My sister said Daddy looked so much better this evening, and that there is not a doubt in her mind that God had His hand on our daddy. I, too, believe God breathed on Dad today.
Mama said she thought at first that he was already gone. She fell apart. I don't know that there is anything or anybody that can "prepare" us for the loss of a dear loved one. One thing I do know: God is faithful to keep His promises. He will also keep my Dad.
Stay in and stay warm & safe,
Aah the Clark willfulness is alive and well in the Carolinas! Glad to see that I'm not the only one...willful that is. Please give Uncle Buster my best. I, too,am sure of God's breath on him and promise of His saving Grace. Great blog so far, Miss Joyce! You have a good touch with the words. Keep writing.