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Saturday, February 4, 2012

I must have a warped sense of humor!!

I was perusing the various items in a neat little thrift store in the old downtown area of our community the other day. It was nice to have about 45 minutes to just "be"...relaxing and enjoying my adventure.

Several people came through the front door of the establishment while I was there, among them a pair of girlfriends about my age. They were chattering away about "whatever"--I wasn't paying attention....UNTIL...they came closer to where I was shopping. They were having a conversation about one of them losing something and how long it took her to find that particular item.....and the "lose-er" laughed and said, "Isn't that always how it is?? You find stuff in the last place you look?!"

I nearly busted out laughing.

Thinking someone else might find the same humor in their conversation as me, I said to the other lady of the pair, "When you think about it, you ALWAYS find stuff in the last place you look....I mean...why would you keep looking?? If you found stuff in the FIRST place you look, it would also be the LAST place you look, right?!" I was smiling my biggest "warm smile", doing my best to share the enjoyment.

They didn't get it. Or appreciate it. The lady I spoke directly to gave a nervous little chuckle. She asked her friend if she "heard what I said"....they kind of looked at me like I was being a smart-aleck. Sigh.

Oh, well. It didn't ruin my 45 minutes of "be-ing". I decided they must not be very happy people. But me?? I chuckle about it all over again each time I recall that moment of comedic genius.


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